
MRI Machine SuperMark 1.5T

MRI Machine SuperMark 1.5T is a latest generation superconducting MRI system based on over 30 years of experience in research and development, which focuses on users concerns. This system is equipped with a newly upgraded hardware and software platforms with A-combi and AI technologies that benefit users a lot and deliver patients with more comfortable experiences. It features new user-friendly design, faster imaging speed, higher image quality and greatly improved work efficiency. SuperMark 1.5T provides not only conventional pulse sequences and clinical diagnosis functions, but also provides advanced functional applications. Moreover, it adopts brand new professional APEX operation system which ensures easy operation and fast diagnosis.

MRI Machine SuperMark 1.5T

Technical Advantages:

  • Reliable short bore superconducting magnet system with zero liquid helium
  • New generation fully digitalized and extensible multichannel spectrometer;
  • Powerful high efficiency and high fidelity gradient system;
  • Multi-channel phased array (PA) RF receiving coil with intelligent identification;
  • English operating system and high extensible computer system;
  • High resolution conventional clinical images;
  • Practical advanced functional imaging.

Superconducting MRI System:

  • Highly open and humanization design -> Streamlined design
  • Rich sequences and technology satisfy clinical needs -> Efficient service

Low Investment:

  • High cost-effective superconducting MRI system;
  • Zero liquid helium consumption, low running and maintenance cost;
  • Upgrade fully supported by core technologies with patents;
  • Low power consumption;
  • Compact magnet design, minimum installation space: 35 square meters.

High Return:

  • High resolution images with thin slice thickness improve diagnosis;
  • Short bore magnet design makes patients comfortable;
  • Fast scan speed improves work efficiency.

Technical Specifications:

Magnet system

Magnet Parameters
Magnet type Superconducting
Magnetic field strength 1.5T ± 1%
Magnetic field stability ≤ 0.1ppm/h
Weight (including 100% liquid helium) 3800kg
Magnet length 157cm
System length (cover to cover) 170cm
Magnet bore diameter 605mm±5mm
Magnet scan bore length 122cm
Shielding method Active shielding
5 Gaussian fringe field (X, Y, Z) ≤ 2.6 m × 2.6 m × 4.0m
Shielding methods: Passive Shimming + Active Shimming + 3D Dynamic Shimming
Number of superconducting shim coils 20
Longest time of 3D dynamic shimming Approx. 30 seconds
Magnetic field homogeneity (VRMS measurement method, 24 points 24 sides)
50 cm DSV (VRMS) ≤ 0.800ppm
45cm DSV (VRMS) ≤ 0.450ppm
40cm DSV (VRMS) ≤ 0.170ppm
30cm DSV (VRMS) ≤ 0.058ppm
20cm DSV (VRMS) ≤ 0.020ppm
10cm DSV (VRMS) ≤ 0.002ppm
Magnet cooling system
Provide 4K cold head & Liquid helium “zero” boil-off technology
Liquid helium capacity (100% liquid helium filling) 700L
Liquid helium refilling interval 1) ≥ 5 years

1) For typical clinical use, depending on sequences and running state of helium compressor. The system needs to be serviced at regular interval. Undisturbed magnet cooling for 7×24 hours.

Gradient system

General features
Gradient amplifier type Ultrafast solid-state technology
Gradient amplifier cooling type Water cooling
Gradient coil cooling type Water cooling
Gradient control technology Digital real-time transmit and receive
Gradient performance
Max. amplitude (single axis) 40mT/m
Max. Effective amplitude 69mT/m
Max. slew rate (single axis) 150T/m/s
Max. Effective slew rate 259T/m/s
Min. rise time 0.27ms
Duty cycle 100%
Resolution parameters
Min. 2D thickness 0.1mm
Min. 3D thickness 0.05mm
Max. FOV 50cm
Min. FOV 1cm
Maximum acquisition matrix 1024×1024
Sequences parameters
FSE shortest TE (256 x 256 matrix) ≤ 4ms
FSE shortest TR (256 x 256 matrix) ≤ 8ms
FSE shortest TE (128 x 128 matrix) ≤ 3ms
FSE shortest TR (128 x 128 matrix) ≤ 6ms
3D GRE shortest TE (128 x 128 Matrix) ≤ 0.4ms
3D GRE shortest TR (128 x 128 matrix) ≤ 1ms
3D GRE shortest TE (256 x 256 matrix) ≤ 0.8ms
3D GRE Shortest TR (256 x256 Matrix) ≤ 1.5ms
EPI shortest TR (256 x256 matrix) ≤ 8ms
EPI shortest TE (256 x256 matrix) ≤ 3ms
EPI shortest echo spacing time (128 x 128 Matrix) ≤ 0.4ms
EPI maximum scan slice ≥ 128
EPI maximum echo chain length ≥ 512
Diffusion weighted imaging maximum b value 10000

RF (Radio Frequency) system

General features
Type of RF system: Digital real-time control to transmit and receive signal
Real-time RF energy monitoring technology, include short-term and long-term accumulation monitoring.
Transmit technology
RF amplifier maximum power 20kW
Transmission bandwidth 550kHz
RF amplifier Cooling type Water cooling
RF receiving technology
Number of independent receiving channels 16
Parallel A/D working converters 16
Center frequency 63.85 MHz
Receiving bandwidth 1.6MHz
Receiving dynamic range 120dB/Hz
Maximum received signal resolution 16bit
Sampling resolution 100ns
RF receiver amplifier noise level ≤ 0.45dB

RF (Radio Frequency) coils

Standard coils
Head/Neck coil – 16 Channels 16
Dimensions (L×W×H) 43cm×33cm×32cm
Weight 5.0kg
Applications Head imaging
Neck imaging
C-spine imaging
•   Head & neck MR angiography
•   Head & neck combined imaging
•   TMJ (temporomandibular joints) imaging
Body coil – 8 Channels 8
Dimensions (L×W×H) 55cm×46cm×3.5cm
Weight 4.6kg
Applications Spine imaging
Thorax imaging
Cardiac imaging
Abdomen imaging
Pelvis imaging
Hip imaging
Abdomen MR angiography
Knee coil – 8 Channels 8
Dimensions (L×W×H) 42cm×27cm×27cm
Weight 4.9kg
Applications •   High resolution knee imaging
•   Lower extremities joint imaging
Shoulder coil – 4 Channels 4
Dimensions (L×W×H) 21cm×29cm×19cm
Weight 5kg
Applications •   High resolution shoulder imaging
•   Higher SNR and homogeneity
Optional coils 2)
Head coil – 8 Channels 8
Dimensions (L×W×H) 32cm×40cm×31cm
Weight 4.3kg
Applications Head imaging
Head MR angiography
•   TMJ (temporomandibular joints) imaging
Neck coil – 8 Channels 8
Dimensions (L×W×H) 70.5cm×42cm×31.7cm
Weight 7kg
Applications Neck imaging
•   C-spine & T-spine imaging
Neck MR angiography
Hand/Wrist coil – 8 Channels 8
Dimensions (L×W×H) 32cm×16cm×23cm
Weight 4.6kg
Applications High resolution hand and wrist imaging
Foot/Ankle coil – 8 Channels 8
Dimensions (L×W×H) 37cm×30cm×32cm
Weight 6.5kg
Applications High resolution foot and ankle imaging
Breast coil – 8 Channels 8
Dimensions (L×W×H) 50cm×45cm×24cm
Weight 6.5kg
Applications •   High resolution breast imaging
•   Simultaneous imaging of both breasts
Axillar imaging elements
Large flex coil – 4 Channels 4
Dimensions (L×W×H) 51cm×23cm×2.7cm
Weight 1.4kg
Applications Imaging of large regions, such as medium to
large shoulder, hip, and knee.
Small flex coil – 4 Channels 4
Dimensions (L×W×H) 36cm×18cm×3.7cm
Weight 0.8kg
Applications Imaging of small regions, such as small to
medium shoulder, wrist, elbow, and ankle.
CTL Spine coil – 16 Channels 16
Dimensions (L×W×H) 112cm×42cm×30cm
Weight 9kg
Applications High resolution imaging of the whole spine
2) All the Optional coils are not included in the standard offer, please contact to ANKE for future information about technology and price.

Patient handling system

Patient table
Patient table type electric
Position horizontal accuracy ≤ 1mm
Patient table length 248cm
Patient table horizontal movement range 210cm
Patient table minimum height 65cm
Patient table vertical movement range 26cm
Patient table to magnet bore top distance 45cm
Patient table maximum weight load 200kg
Patient table horizontal movement maximum speed ≥ 20cm/s
Patient table control panel Both side of patient table
Patient table display Color LCD Monitor
Patient communication
LED Lighting system Inside the bore, adjustable
Ventilation system Inside the bore, adjustable
Intercom system Two-way intercom, adjustable
Music player system Provided
Non-magnetic denoising headphones Provided
Patient supervision TV system (CCTV) Provided
Physiological gating system
Respiratory gating Provided
Peripheral gating Provided
ECG gating Provided

Console system

Host computer
Operating system Windows professional (64-bit)
CPU 3.6GHz (i7, 8-core)
Hard disk 1TB ×2
Media drives CD/DVD drive
External storage of image data DVD/USB
Image transmission interface DICOM 3.0
Number of image storage (256 x 256 matrix) Approx. 4,000,000 (256 × 256)
Image reconstruction speed (256×256, 100% FOV) Approx. 3,300 fps
Color LCD Monitor
Display size 23.8”
Display resolution 1920×1080

Sequence and scanning technology

Spin Echo SE (Spin Echo)
FSE (Fast Spin Echo) 2D/3D
SSFSE (Single Shot Fast Spin Echo) 2D/3D, combined with Half-Fourier Acquisition
technology, reduce the scanning time.
IR (Inversion Recovery), STIR (Short Time Inversion Recovery) provide a good
quality  fat  suppression  imaging,  FLAIR  (Fluid  Attenuated  Inversion  Recovery)
combined with fat suppression technology, to provide a good quality T1 and T2
FLAIR imaging.
DIXON (Water and Fat Separation) based on SE and FSE
Gradient Echo sequences GRE (Gradient Echo) 2D/3D combined with Spoiled technology
GRSCOUT can provide single & multi slices three-dimensional positioning imaging.
GREBH (Gradient Echo with Breath Holding) 2D/3D, GREBHSP (Gradient Echo
with Breath Holding with Shared Phase) 2D/3D for fast Breath Holding imaging
GREDE (Gradient Echo with Dual Echo) 2D/3D, GREDESP (Gradient Echo with
Dual Echo with Shared Phase) 2D/3D for in-phase/out of-phase imaging
GREME (Gradient Echo with Multi Echo) 2D/3D, for high contrast T2 weighted
imaging, can effectively suppress flow artifacts of CSF and blood
b-SSFP (Balanced steady state with free precession), can provide a very high liquid
signal contrast. Combined with Multi Phase technology, can applied for cardiac cine
imaging with high contrast.
IRGRE (Inversion Recovery Gradient Echo) 2D/3D, can be used for neurology
imaging to increase the contrast between white matter and gray matter.
TFE (Turbo Field Echo) 2D/3D/4D for abdominal imaging during free breathing, and
fast 3D/4D dynamic contrast imaging.
WEGRE (Water Excitation Gradient Echo) 2D/3D, can used for synovial fluid and
cartilage imaging with good contrast
TOF (Time of Flight) 2D/3D
CEMRA (Contrast Enhanced MR Angiography) 2D/3D
PCMRA (Phase Contrast MR Angiography)
Echo Planar EPI (Echo Planar Imaging) with Single Shot and Multi Shot technology for high
sequences definition diffusion weighted imaging.
SEEPI (Spin Echo Planar Imaging)
GREEPI (Gradient Echo Planar Imaging)
Soft sound technology
Soft sound is a technology to reduce the sound of scanning without image quality loss, which will provide a more comfortable scanning experience for patients.
Application area Optimized Silent protocols for the brain, spine and large joints
Silent sequence SE-Silent, FSE-Silent, FLAIR-Silent, STIR-Silent, SSFSE-Silent
Standard fat and water imaging
STIR (Short Time Inversion Recovery)
FS (Fat Saturation) technology based on frequency selective RF pulses with 2 selectable modes: weak, strong
SPAIR (Spectral Adiabatic Inversion Recovery), combined with frequency selective inversion pulse to obtain a high-quality fat suppression body imaging
WE (Water Excitation) technology, can used for synovial fluid and cartilage imaging with good contrast
DIXON (Water and Fat Separation) technology, available on SE and FSE sequence.
Fast imaging technology
Dual-engine parallel acquisition technology SENSE  (Sensitivity  Encoding)  technology  based  on Image domain
GRAPPA (GeneRalized Auto calibrating Partially Parallel Acquisition) technology based one K-space
Provide compatible RF coils, scan sequences and automatic calibration technology
Parallel acquisition application direction X,Y,Z
Parallel acquisition acceleration factor 4
Artifact suppression technology
Pre-saturation technology RF saturation pulses to suppress flow and motion artifact.
Flow compensation technology Can effectively compensate for image artifacts caused by liquid flow.
PROP (Periodically Rotated Overlapping Parallel) data filling technology Improves image quality by rotated data filling in K-space to correct the effects of motion during MR sequence acquisition.
Gating technology Use the Respiratory, ECG, and Peripheral gating to perform triggered scanning, can accurately suppress image artifacts caused by physiological motion.
Breath-hold scanning technology Fast scanning technology combined with patient breath- holding to achieve fast breath-hold scanning, which can effectively improve the success rate of examination.

Clinical application packages

Neurology Imaging suite

  • Fast 2D&3D imaging based on SE, FSE, GRE sequence
  • Diffusion imaging with multiple b-values, ADC-map, eADC-map, Diffusion Tensor Imaging with up to 12 directons3)
  • Perfusion imaging4)
  • T1-FLAIR, T2-FLAIR combined with water-fat dual suppression technology
  • TOF 3D MR angiography
  • TOF 2D Venography
  • 3D isotropic volume imaging
  • T2*-GREME 2D&3D to avoid CSF and blood flow artifacts
  • Water and fat separation
  • Amide Proton Transfer Imaging
  • Magnetic susceptibility weighted imaging
  • High definition myelography
  • Whole-spine imaging

Body Imaging suite

  • Ultra-fast 2D&3D imaging based on SE, FSE, GRE sequence
  • Diffusion imaging with multiple b-values, ADC-map, eADC-map
  • Multiple Precise fat suppression technique, include STIR, FS, SPAIR
  • In-phase & out-phase imaging
  • Free breath scanning
  • breath hold scanning
  • triggered scanning
  • MRCP
  • MRU
  • FAST 3D/4D DCE (dynamic contrast enhancement) imaging

Oncology Imaging suit

  • Diffusion imaging with multiple b-values, ADC-map, eADC-map
  • Multiple Precise fat suppression technique, include STIR, FS, SPAIR
  • FAST 3D/4D DCE (dynamic contrast enhancement) imaging
  • Time-signal curve drawing and analysis

Breast Imaging suite

  • high resolution breast structural imaging
  • High resolution 2D&3D imaging based on SE, FSE, GRE sequence
  • Diffusion imaging with multiple b-values, ADC-map, eADC-map
  • FAST 3D/4D DCE (dynamic contrast enhancement) imaging
  • Time-signal curve drawing and analysis

Orthopedics Imaging suite

  • High resolution 2D&3D imaging based on SE, FSE, GRE sequence
  • off-center positions imaging
  • Multiple Precise fat suppression technique, include STIR, FS, SPAIR and DIXON
  • High definition 3D WE (Water excitation) imaging

Angiography Imaging suite

  • TOF (Time of flight) MR angiography
  • PCMRA (Phase contrast MR angiography)
  • CEMRA (Contrast-enhanced MR angiography)
  • MTC (Magnetization Transfer Contrast) technology and TONE (Tilted Optimized Non-saturation Excitation) pulse to improved Contrast to Noise Ratio of images
  • MIP, MinIP and MPR reconstruction software

Cardiac Imaging suite (Limited)

  • Cardiac cine based on b-SSFP sequence, can clearly show the structure of the heart and aorta.

3) Optional functions. To obtain more accurate image information, the Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) analysis software (optional) and other accessories are required.

4) Optional functions. To obtain more accurate image information, the MRI perfusion analysis software (optional) and other accessories are required.


Radio frequency shielding
For shielding the examination room from external RF sources
RF attenuation factor >100dB
Frequency range 1−80MHz
Magnetic shielding5)
For additional reduction of the magnetic fringe field, suitable iron shielding can be installed in the walls of the examination room. The room shielding can be used to create a magnetic shielding enclosure
Power Requirements
Line voltage 380VAC
Stability tolerances ±10%
Line frequency 50/60 Hz, ±1 Hz
Connection value 80 kVA
Power consumption
System off 7.0kW
Stand-by 8.0kW
Typical measurement 30kW
Highest average power 70kW
Recommended dimension
Scanning room 6.00m x 5.00m
Operation room 3.00m x 3.00m
Equipment room 3.00m x 4.00m

5) The implementation plan of magnetic shielding depends on the condition of customer’s site, for more information, please refer to the site planning manual.