Chemiluminescence Immunoassay System CL-1200i

Chemiluminescence Immunoassay System


Throughput: 180T/H
Large onboard capacity of 25 reagents
6 sample racks for loading, STAT priority
Non-stop replace of reagents and consumables during testing
Touch screen monitor with swing arm

Enhanced Reaction System

4-phase magnetic separation with
precisely controlled temperature
Consistent performance reliability with
enhanced PMT detection system
Non-touch vortexer mixing for reaction
solution without any contamination

Sample Handling

Samples loading and offloading
continuously by sample racks
Unified sample racks with detachable
Rack status real-time indicting on lane
STATs prioritized fast

Consumables Management

Random access for cuvette loading
without pause or stop
88*2 cuvettes in one batch, 185
cuvettes per waste bag
Cuvettes & waste bag status
real-time indicating