
PET/CT NeuSight 64

PET/CT NeuSight 64 is the latest innovation from Neusoft Medical Systems. Combined anatomic and functional imaging with qualified design and technology, multiple molecular imaging function for tumor, brain and heart scanning to fully study the disease. Large port and dual pillar bed to improve patient comfort and scanning experience. Fine technology for data collection provides improved scan speed and accuracy for analysis. Integrated molecular imaging platform with advanced workstation, data management and analysis system.  Qualified design, scanning, accurate imaging and multiple functions to satisfied diverse needs in clinic.

PET/CT NeuSight 64


NeuSight PET/CT 64 Software
1 NeuSight PET/CT Console Operating System
2 NeuSight PET/CT 64 Console Software

•    PET/CT data requisition

•    PET Playback scanning

•    PET/CT offline reconstruction

•    PET/CT image review

•    2D display

Dynamic display

3 NeuSight PET/CT PET Reconstruction Operating System
4 NeuSight PET/CT 64 PET Reconstruction Software
5 NeuSight PET/CT CT Reconstruction Operating System
6 NeuSight PET/CT 64 CT Reconstruction Software
NeuSight PET/CT 64 Hardware And Accessory
7 PET Gantry
8 CT Gantry

NeuSight PET/CT 64 Gantry

NeuSight PET/CT 64 gantry consists of CT gantry and PET gantry

PET Gantry

Detector system

Module PCB assy

DAM assy

Rod system

Left electric cabinet

Right electric cabinet


CT Gantry

•    High voltage generator

•    Tube

•    Detector :32 Rows(64-slice)

PET Gantry Specification

•    Number of crystals : 17424

•    Crystal size:4.7×4.7×30mm

•    Crystal material:BGO

•    Number of rings: 33;

•    Number of PMTs:576

•    Ring diameter:856mm

•    Patient Port:72cm

•    Transverse FOV:70cm

•    Axial FOV:16.6cm

•    Rod type:68Ge

PET Performance Index

•     System Sensiticity:7.0cps/kBq

•     Transverse resolution @1cm,mm :4.7;2.7(PDR)

•     Transverse resolution@10cm,mm :5.1;3.0(PDR)

•     Axial spatial resolution @1cm :4.8

•     Axial spatial resolution @10cm :5.1

•     Peak noise equivalent count rate  :40kcps

•     Scatter fraction :45%

CT Gantry Specification

•    Generator output :50kW

•    Output Voltage: 60-140KV

•    mA selections:30~420mA

•    Heat load :5.0MHU

•    Focal spot:0.6 mm x 1.2 mm (small) | 1.1 mm x 1.2 mm (large)

•    Number of detector row:32row(64-slice)

•    Number of detectors:672×32

•    Detector material: Rare earth ceramic

CT Performance Index

•     Spatial Resolution:17lp/cm@cut-off

•     Density resolution:  4.0 mm @ 0.3%@≤20mGy

•     SNR:≤0.35%

•     Range of CT Number: -1024 – +3072

Support CT number extension -10240~30720

•     Number of slices :64

•     Low Contrast Resolution:4.0 mm @ 0.3%@≤20mGy

The main function and performance of NeuSight PET/CT 64


•    Role in Oncology

•     Quantification:SUV

•     Differentiate benign from malignant disease

•    Staging of disease

•    Treatment response

•    Radiotherapy treatment planning


•    Role in Cardiology

•    Myocardial perfusion and viability

•    Myocardial glucose metabolism

•    Myocardial receptor studies

•    Blood volume, wall thickness, wall motion

Nerve system

•    Role in Neurology

•    Epileptic foci localization

•    Assessment of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia

•    Assessment of Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders

•    Research of neuroreceptor mapping

Health screening

•    The health screening of the high risk group with malignant tumor by PET/CT may facilitate the early discovery of malignant tumor.

•    The detection rate of malignant tumor of the normal group through routine health examination is 0. 3% ~0. 5%, while the detection rate of malignant tumor of the normal group through PET/CT is up to 2.2%. Meanwhile, most tumors were found at an earlier stage, so they have the opportunity for operation treatment.

PET/CT Performance Parameters

•     NeuSight PET/CT 64 Image registration precision:≤3mm

9 Couch

•    Vertical motion range:600-1030mm(Veetol)

•     Horizontal travel≥2570mm

•    Repeated Position Accurac≤0.25mm

•    Maximum patient weight :227kg

•    Adjustable scan height

10 Couch Cushion
11 Console Computer
12 PET Reconstruction Computer
13 CT Reconstruction Computer
14 Screen Display

The PET/CT BOX can control the movement of the scan couch, the voice system and the scan. The PET/CT BOX mainly contains the following function buttons:

16 Computer Table

Tailor designed table for console cabinet.

17 NMS head supporter assy

To support patients’ head during scan. Extend couch scannable range.

18 Head supporter cushion
19 MMVA test tooling
20 PET calibration phantom
21 Water Phantom bracket
22 Water phantom bracket connection assy
23 QA Phantom
24 7-10 Inch tower phantom
25 Nonlinear calibration phantom assy
26 Anchor template
27 Tool Box

A set of tools for daily maintenance to make sure the system to work with best status.

28 PET Gantry Separation Tool
29 720 Patient Port of  Rod Source System
30 Gantry Cover  ABS Assy
31 Accompanying documents
AVW Post-processing Software & Advanced Algorithm
32 NeuSight PET/CT AVW Operating System
33 NeuSight PET/CT AVW  Software
The advanced application workstation is used for PET/CT image postprocessing, including the hardware and the software.

The hardware consists of the computer, monitor and network cable.

The software consists of the AVW operating system and AVW software, which includes the following function: 2D display, advanced visualization, printing and reporting system.

Surface Shaded Display

Three-dimensional display of surfaces with different density values

l Soft tissue

l Bone

l Contrast-enhanced vessels

Multi-Planar ReconstructionMPR

Variable slice thickness and distance with default values;

Viewing perspectives

l Sagittal

l Coronal

l Oblique

l Double oblique

Freehand (curvilinear)

Print and Report System

34 Tumor Management

•    Compare, analyze, and track tumor progression with up to four sequential PET/CT studies

•    SUV-based semi -automatic tumor segmentation

•    Measurement of changes in tumor volume and metabolic activity

35  Nerve Application

•    Coregistration of PET or CT data with a reference template (The Talairach atlas).

•    Quantitative analysis of brain images in both Talairach and patient space.

•    Comparison of functional data with sequential brain images on the same patient.

36 Cardiac Fusion Software

•    Analysis of 3D CT angiographic cardiac images/data providing a number of display, measurements and batch filming/archive features to study user-selected vessels.

•    Provide capability to visualize reformatted PET/CT perfusion and viability data.

•    Provide different ways of visualizing CT anatomy fused with PET functional information.

37 Cardiac acquisition system

The cardiac acquisition system could assist the clinician in using automatic tracking software of CT contrast medium to reconstruct the data based on the time phase of cardiac cycle, which could find optimal diastole and systole and perform multi-phase time phase reconstruction. The system acquires data by means of prospective and retrospective scan modes.

The cardiac acquisition system helps the clinician to acquire PET multi-temporal data during cardiac cycle and edit ECG-gating parameter to conduct offline multi-temporal reconstruction. Moreover, you can choose the CT data at a particular phase as attenuation correction data to conduct offline PET image reconstruction.

38 Dynamic Viewer  Software

Dynamic View software is available in console and/or advanced application workstation.

39 PDR

Point Diffusion Restoration

Use PSF (Point Spread Function) technology to improve image resolution and reduce image noise.

40 Large FOV

PET reconstructed transaxial Display Field of View (DFOV) of up to 70cm with CT based PET attenuation correction  and up to 70cm CT DFOV Wide FOV reconstruction

41 Free Match

Mis-registered PET and CT attenuation correction data due to organ motion may be re-aligned and reconstructed again to try and recover proper PET attenuation correction to help avoid CT AC re-scans .

42 Low Noise Reconstruction Technology

Add correction factor to iterative reconstruction and lower the noise caused by correction factor. Under the same image acquisition condition, this will improve image SNR compared with conventional reconstruction.

43 TIR

Target Iterative Reconstruction

The target iterative reconstruction aims at small object target in the image to restart iterative reconstruction and realize the reconstruction of high pixel image.

44 Low dose CTAC

Reduce CT tube current, optimizing CT tube voltage to reduce dose of CT scan which is used for PET attenuation correction.

45 PVC

Partial Volume Correct

Correct partial volume of the image.

46 ClearView

ClearView is an advanced iterative algorithm for double spaces, one is for original raw data space and another is for image space. With three levels of Slight, Standard and Ultra we can get perfect image quality with lower dose.

47 WLS

Weighted Least Square can effectively restrain noise image.

AVW Post-processing Hardware
48 BeiTai Monitor HL1916S

Dual screen avaliable, both scanning and diagnostic can be working at the same time, Largely improve work efficiency.

49 DELL 5810
50 BW  Workstation reticle 10m
51 UPS

UPS (Uninterruptible power supply) guarantees that the PET gantry, the patient table and the console could work for a period of time after a power failure so that the customer can save the data. No work would be affected or no data would be lost because of the power failure.

52 Isolation transformer

In order to meet the power supply voltage standards of different countries, the input voltage would be converted into 380V/220V to ensure the normal operation of the PET/CT.

53-56 UPS output cablePET

Isolation Transformer input cable

Isolation Transformer output cableCT

Isolation Transformer output cableUPS

Cable used to connect the power distribution system with the gantry.

57 Brachiocephalic pad
58 Cervical vertebra cushion

Position cushion used for Cervical vertebra study.

59 Knee pads

Position cushion used for Knee Joint study.

60 Arm Support

For supporting patient’s arms during intravenous injections.

61-64 BeltBelt1-4

Fasten patient on the couch to avoid motion artifact.

65 Table Stick

For moving the couch.

66-68 Cephalic pads

The cephalic pads consist of three sizes: large-sized, medium-sized and small-sized.

69-70 Coronary scanning head support Assy

The assy consists of coronary scanning head support and coronary scanning cushion.

71-72 Topo scanning head support  Assy(includes head rest cushion.)

A set of cushions for better patient comfort while doing topo scanning.

73-74 Mindray iPM8 patient monitor and the cable

For international market, the default option is Mindray iPM8 patient monitor,

Tooling Bag
75 patient table transport wheel kit
76 CT gantry transportation Dolly
77 PET gantry transportation connector
78 PET/CT patient table handling tool
79  Laser Leveler
80 Couch Fixed Target
81 CT Fixed Target
82 PET Fixed Target
83 Ultra-thin type hydraulic jack FPY-5
84 Manual hydraulic pump CP-180